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05 Feb 2019


Parks and open green spaces are a major feature at Beaulieu, giving residents a beautiful living environment and a wealth of choice when it comes to outdoor activities.

This will be enhanced with the establishment of the new Community Gardens spanning over 11 acres. Work has already begun this month to deliver the Gardens for Beaulieu’s residents and the wider community.

Once completed, the Gardens will include a woodland area creating an important corridor in which wildlife can flourish. A community fruit orchard and planting area will be provided along with formal landscaped areas and an avenue connecting to the Estate Parkland. The plans also include a large open space for outdoor recreation and play.

Work will be carried out to preserve below ground, the 16th Century Tudor lime kiln which was discovered during recent archaeological investigations. A seating area with carvings and an information board will be installed to mark its location.

Andrew Carrington, Managing Director of Strategic Land at Countryside, comments:
“The addition of the new community gardens at Beaulieu will give residents and the wider community even more choice to pursue and enjoy outdoor activities and events, whilst also providing an outdoor place for learning. We have left a substantial area of detailed planting and landscaping to be designed in collaboration with the local residents.

As with all of the parks and opens spaces here at Beaulieu, the Gardens will be managed by Beaulieu Estate Management, part of the Land Trust. They will work alongside local residents to manage gardening projects and to host community events. It is hoped that the gardens will also be used by the wider community, local schools and colleges, for education, forest schooling and training”.

A tool shed and community building with toilets, washing facilities and community/teaching space are to be provided with a small car/bike parking facility.