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04 Aug 2022


We are proud to announce that Beaulieu, our award-winning joint venture scheme with L&Q in Chelmsford, Essex, has been shortlisted for the Essex Housing Awards 2022 in the Large Housing Schemes category.

These prestigious awards recognise the development of homes (new or refurbished) in Greater Essex which not only make a significant contribution to meeting housing needs and improve the image and perception of housing in the area, but also delight residents and the wider community through excellence in design, construction or public realm.

This impressive new neighbourhood seeks to create a vibrant, integrated community for Chelmsford. In addition to delivering a significant number of homes and thoughtfully designed green spaces, this mixed-use development also provides new community, health, sport and retail amenities, as well as Essex’s first all-through primary and secondary school, a day nursery and education centre. The scheme will also incorporate a second new primary school, hotel, business park, relief road – which is already open in part -and a new train station due to be operational by 2025/6,creating a truly sustainable urban extension for Chelmsford.

As a leading UK mixed-tenure developer, we pride ourselves on building high-quality homes and delivering much needed community facilities. As we remain committed to creating places people love, this shortlisting is a testament to our team’s hard work and dedication.

We look forward to finding out the winners at the awards ceremony on Thursday 3rd November at Greenwoods Hotel in Essex.