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18 Nov 2015


Countryside and L&Q have welcomed Essex County Council’s agreement to the construction of a new 420-place free school or academy at Beaulieu. With up to 3,600 new homes being created at Beaulieu the demand for school places will increase over the coming years. With this in mind the Cabinet has approved proposals for a new primary school and are now inviting organisations interested in running the proposed new school to come forward.

The school will offer 60 primary places per year group. The proposals also include the provision of a 56-place early years centre to cater for pre-school aged children built adjacent to the school.

It is anticipated that the £9million project, primarily funded by developer contributions, will be completed by September 2018.

The development plans for Beaulieu also include a site available for a new secondary school and a second primary school to meet the longer term need for educational places across the development.