Chelmsford is
renowned for offering
a good education.
Beaulieu Park School
Beaulieu Park School
In addition to the established network of schools in Chelmsford, Beaulieu is now home to Essex’s first brand new “all through” school. Opened in 2018, the Beaulieu Park School accommodates 1,200 secondary school pupils, together with the adjoining 420-place primary school and 56-place Early Years building for pre-school children. Added to this a second new net-zero primary school building opened in September 2024 doubling the number of primary school places available at Beaulieu Park School.
New Hall Independent School
New Hall Independent School
Occupying a central and prominent position within the Beaulieu development is New Hall School, a leading Catholic independent boarding and day school. Founded in 1642 and now located within the former Palace of Beaulieu, New Hall is Chelmsford’s only independent senior school. It is one of the UK’s top performing co-educational Catholic boarding and day school for A-Level results.